

Changzhou Baogan EYH Series Two Dimensional Mixer

产品名称: Changzhou Baogan EYH Series Two Dimensional Mixer
产品型号: EYH
产品展商: 宝干
产品文档: 无相关文档


The rotating cylinder of Changzhou Baogan EYH Series Two Dimensional Mixer can make two motions at the same time.

Changzhou Baogan EYH Series Two Dimensional Mixer  的详细介绍
Product name:
EYH Series Two Dimensional Mixer
Mixing Series
EYH Series Two Dimensional Mixer
The rotating cylinder of EYH two dimensional mixer can make two motions at the same time. One is the rotation of the cylinder and the other is swinging of the cylinder along the swinging rack. Materials to be mixed will be rotated when the cylinder is rotating, and will be mixed from left to right and vice versa when the cylinder is swinging. As a result of these two motions, materials can be mixed fully in a short time. EYH two dimensional mixer is suitable for mixing of power and granule materials.
1. For the heating source, there are two kinds: the steam, and ihe electrical or far Infraredsteam for our users to choose.
2. The temperatures to be used: steam heating 50 ~ 140 C, Max. 150 ’C.
3. The moisture while using the electrical or temperatures: 50 - 350 ’C.
4. There are the automatic control system and the computer control system for users’ selection.
5. Commonly used steam pressure 0.02 ~ 0.8 Mpa (0.2 - 8 kg/cm2)
6. If the electrical heating and type one, the calcu4ation is 15kw, and the practical use is 5 ~8 kW/h.
7. The special requirements should be indicated at the time of order.
8. The price for the non-standard oven should be consulted.
9. The use temperatures more than 140 ’C and less than 60 ’C should be indicated at thetime of order.
10. The ovens and baking plates made by our factory are uniform in the dimensions, and can be exchanged each other.
11. The baking plate dimensions: 460 x 640 x 45mm.
Technical Parameters:
type revolution (L) Loading capacity (L) fed weight(kg) overall dimension (mm) power (kW)
A B C D M H turn sway
EYH100 100 50 40 860 900 200 400 1000 1500 1.1 0.75
EYH300 300 150 75 1000 1100 200 580 1400 1650 1.1 0.75
EYH600 600 300 150 1300 1250 240 720 1800 1850 1.5 1.1
EYH800 800 400 200 1400 1350 240 810 1970 2100 1.5 1.1
EYH1000 1000 500 350 1500 1390 240 850 2040 2180 2.2 1.5
EYH1500 1500 750 550 1800 1550 240 980 2340 2280 3 1.5
EYH2000 2000 1000 750 2000 1670 240 1100 2540 2440 3 2.2
EYH2500 2500 1250 950 2200 1850 240 1160 2760 2600 4 2.2
EYH3000 3000 1500 1100 2400 1910 280 1220 2960 2640 5 4
EYH5000 5000 2500 1800 2700 2290 300 1440 3530 3000 7.5 5
EYH10000 10000 5000 3000 3200 2700 360 1800 4240 4000 15 11
EYH12000 12000 6000 4000 3400 2800 360 1910 4860 4200 15 11
EYH15000 15000 7500 5000 3500 3000 360 2100 5000 4400 18.5 15
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